Swedish "Midsummer"

Exactly three months young today, and already Nora has celebrated her first Midsummer. This time it did not take place in Sweden or Holland, nor was it flooded with booze. In fact: it didn’t even take place at mid-summer. We celebrated it in the middle of our winter with the Swedish club in Adelaide. But many things were familiar: the weather for instance. It was a wet and rainy day, with a max of 17C. Pretty much the same weather as in Sweden this week! Also the traditional Swedish food and songs were on the menu, and of course dancing around the Maypole (photo). It was our first time with the Swedish club , and we experienced again that once you have kids the integration really takes off. Mikaela met a few young mums, who invited her to a Swedish mothers group. Should be good fun, and nice for Nora as well to hear a bit Swedish every now and then. With the mums from the Aussie & Aquarobic mothersgroup they even go to the ‘mums and bubs’ cinema every fortnight. How good is that? ...