
Showing posts from May, 2013

The big slide

That's a pretty big slide for such a small girl.  But if big sister Nora can do it, then Ella just cannot miss out ...

Mothers Day

Mothers Day today, the fifth one already for Mum Mikaela. We had a great day with drawings, paintings and presents. And even the weather cooperated: nice and sunny at Brighton beach for most of the day. It wasn’t until 3pm that the heavens opened and forced the party to go indoors. But that didn’t spoil the fun, because unlike most parts of the world the rain is actually very welcome here. So a big and rainy Cheers for the world’s greatest Mum!


Adelaide turned Orange on 30 th April. A great Dutch crowd witnessed the coronation of Holland’s new King Willem Alexander, live on the big screen.  Timing was perfect: 9.30pm local time (2pm in Holland) so excellent excuse for a couple of beers and a good party. Yes, daddy had fun.  For some more pictures see the DutchSA website .