
Showing posts from December, 2013

Just Married

And so it was, on a hot New Year's Eve at a picnic ground in the Adelaide Hills - more than 10 years after we first met in Spain - that we finally tied the knot. In a very simple but beautiful ceremony, just witnessed by some close family members, we made formal what was already there all those years: our love and commitment to each other.    Happy New Year everyone !

Bijlsma sisters

What a wonderful way to start the holidays. Daddy’s sisters Aukje and Janneke came over all the way from Holland to celebrate Christmas and New Year in Australia. After a late night welcome by Mum, Dad and Morfar (who already arrived the week before) the Aunties had their first encounter with their nieces the next morning. Completely jet-lagged they woke up to Ella shouting ‘Koala, Koala’. And sure enough, on their very first morning in Australia we had a Koala in the garden!  The girls warmed up very quickly to their Aunties. They showed them around at Nora’s Kindy, Ella’s childcare and of course the Kangaroo’s across the road. Next day the senior Bijlsma sisters went for a walk at Morialta (more koala’s), after which the junior Bijlsma sisters joined them for a stroll in Hahndorf, to visit Mum’s candle shop. And then of course it was Christmas! Lots of presents from Santa, even more Swedish guests and lots of traditional Swedish food. Good thing we could swim some of it ...

Transition Day

What an excitement. Nora had her first transition day at her new school, Aldgate primary. She came well prepared with a complete school uniform, a hat and a new bag.  It was just one morning to meet all the other kids in her reception class, most of whom she knows quite well through Kindy.  Now she can’t wait to start for real ….. ‘ I’m not a Kindy girl anymore! ’ You’ll have to wait until after Christmas Nora! And here's the moment of Nora's official graduation from Kindy ...