
Showing posts from January, 2017

Ella's first day at School

Ella’s first school day !!! She’s been ready for this for a long time, and now finally she can start Reception at Aldgate Primary.  And what a day it was ! In true style Ella managed to score a Head Injury report within the first three hours of her school career. Bit too excited perhaps? (told them not to worry, business as usual ;-) So there you have it: nearly eight years after we entered parenthood we now have both kids in school. Big milestone for all of us !


Another wonderful week away at the cabin in Normanville. Beach, sun, sea, friends, many drinks for the parents and lots and lots of ice cream for the kids !!!   All in all a great way to finish the summer holidays. Next week back to school!

Swedish family for Christmas

We’ve had the most amazing Christmas with Mikaela’s sister and her family visiting from Sweden. Lisa, her husband Henrik (Henke) and their sons Collin and Justin stayed for two weeks to celebrate Christmas and New Year with us. Nora and Ella were super excited to finally meet their cousins. The kids got along amazingly well, not even the language barrier got in the way.  We’ve done so many things together that it’s impossible to sum it up. The kids bonded in play, the dads bonded over many local craft beers (#prancing pony) and the mums/sisters made up for all those years of missing each other.  We’ve created so many great memories that even a hefty summer storm and a power outage of 48 hours could not dampen the spirit! Dear Justin, Collin, Lisa and ‘Hank’, thank you so much for making the journey. We loved having you around and we can’t wait until we meet again.