Thai food

If anyone asks what we've been doing in Thailand, the only true answer would probably be: mostly eating. Of course we did the temples, the markets, some more temples and some more markets. But no matter where you go, you'll find foodstalls everywhere. Delicious Thai food, and very cheap. The Thai have no fixed times to eat. For them any time is a right time for fried noodles, green curry, tom yum soup or spring rolls. From early in the morning to late at night. At least four times a day, but preferably more! So who can blame us if we join them? Its soooo great. That's why we decided today to pay tribute to the Thai kitchen. In Chiang Mai (up north) we took a cooking class, where we learned about all the ingriedients, and we practiced on making no less than six dishes. And guess what? We had to eat everyting we cooked ourselves !!! Hmmmmmm, what a life ...


Anonymous said…
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeee guys... paul and I were checkin' out yr site. Nice all that Thai food... We're trying to make a tune for the Fliiifli character but we're running out of inspiritation. So we decided to check out yr site in case we might get some inspiration out of yr stories.Tho, for some strange reason, I feel like eating a pancake right now..kinda strange huh?!?! :-)

Anyway..we'll try to work on a tune now, check it out later on at the IJVO-site!

We're looking forward to tasting your wonderful Thai cooking skills.

Take care,


Paul & Aitri
Femmie said…
He avonturiers!

What an life! Sounds really great!
Zo te lezen moeten we maar snel naar Aussie komen om jullie kookkunsten te proeven....Wat is eigenlijk typisch australisch? Kangoeroebiefstuk ;-)
Vanavond gaan we Assies huis inwijden en het fotoboek van de vrijgezellen en de bruiloft aan Paulus en Rico geven; de eerste keer zonder jullie! hmmm zal wel raar zijn.
Geniet verder van jullie avontuur, wij blijven het volgen.
Dikke knuffel Fem

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