Moonlight cinema

With Christmas behind us it is back to reality. Hard work and hot days. South Australia is sighing under the ongoing drought, desperately longing for some rain. The upside of this is that the heat doesn’t feel that bad, because it’s dry. We’ve had the first +40˚ days, but it was still bearable. And with airco virtually everywhere (work, car and bedroom) we are well equipped for the season.
Another upside is that the outdoor season really took off. A lot is going on right now: festivals, music and sports events. Next week the Tour Down Under will hit South Australia, which is the official kick off for the UCI cycling season. Most of the ‘tour de France’ teams will show up. Let’s see if they can handle the heat ;-)

One particular special event is the Moonlight Cinema. Every night around sundown people gather at the botanic gardens to have a picnic and watch an open air movie. While the film progresses the night falls and you’re laying under the stars, quietly enjoying the intimate atmosphere. And when the moon is staring at you, the concentration slowly fades away from the picture, dreaming away into your own world. Can you imagine a more romantic spot?


Anonymous said…
Hoi Lieve schatten, wat klinkt dat toch allemaal fantastisch, misschien moet ik er toch maar eens over nadenken om jullie kant op te komen ;-).Die natte winter hier is ook niets, alleen me weekje wintersport was super top en genieten, daar krijg je nwe energie van. de oud en nw smsjes waren super en leuk om te lezen dat jullie het met mirjam en Karl zo leuk gehad hebben, ver weg en toch met goede vrienden. geniet lekker daar. dikke kus Bianca

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