
Sunday we were at the Clipsal 500: the yearly V8 supercars race in a street circuit downtown. For days you could hear the rumble of racing engines all around town, even in our own backyard. The roar made Mikaela’s heart beat faster, so of course we had to go. It’s the biggest event of the year in Adelaide, with crowds of almost 300.000 people spread over four days. Twenty years ago this was the scene of the Formula1 - right downtown - but today it serves the 8 cylinder cars (Holden versus Ford), plus all kinds of other motorized vehicles. There’s even a show of jetfighter airplanes. All heavy and noisy stuff! And although the day ended a bit more subtle, with a concert of Santana, we could still hear it when we closed our eyes at night:


Anonymous said…
Hallo lieverds!

Na goed de griep te hebben gehad weer ff een berichtje van mij.. Fijn te lezen dat alles goed gaat..
denk aan jullie..

Anonymous said…
He aussies,

Mikaela staat je goed ! lekker stoer en net of je er zo mee wegrijd ! Lekker in de zon...hmmm. bedankt voor jullie lieve sms en kaart ! Me verjaardag was gezellig, we hebben wat nieuws ontdekt, karaoke ;-) groetjes Bianca

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