The big question

The big question of course is ‘what’s it going to be?’ Mum thinks it’s a girl, dad says it’s a boy. How classic… time will tell who’s right. Meanwhile it’s getting more visible by the day. Something’s cooking and Mikaela can’t hide it. Isn’t it beautiful?

With the big news comes of course the big preparation. We started making shopping lists, reading books and internet sites, and visited some baby shops. What a world?!? You almost need a degree to understand everything. Luckily we have friends with kids here, who are helping us to get started. Thanks a lot guys!

Most tangible thing we bought so far is our new/used car. It took a couple of weekends (and a lot of patience) to find one that suited both the requirements of a young family, as well as the need for a 40 year old to get over his midlife crisis. Result: a Hyundai Tucson 4-wheel drive. Take a look here. Nice ah?
According to Mikaela the best thing about it is that we won't have to go to another car yard in the next 5 years.

You see: we are all ready to roll. Just bring it on!


Unknown said…
Alltid så vacker, du kan inte ens bli ful som gravid! Vilken mamma!!! Så glad för er båda! :)
Syns och hörs snart
Puss puss
Anonymous said…
Mikkisen, håller med föregående skribent, va vacker du är!!! Gud va roligt!!!=) Jag skickade ett långt långt sms när stolta Susan annonserade nyheten=) men det levererades aldrig... det var ett MEGA grattis iaf=) Jag är verkligen jätteglad för er! Ni kommer bli fantastiska föräldrar!
Många kramar, skickar med Susan en kram som du får live i november=)
Hälsa maken och blivande pappan så gott=)
Många kramar och pussar och en klapp på lilla bebisen=)
Anonymous said…
Hey Jan & Mik!

How are the three of you doing :)
Jan howz your shoulder and Mik, howz the baby doin? When are you due?
I'm really excite to know what it is going to be!!
Don't forget too move back to IJsselstein in about 6 years, since the baby defintely needs to go to the IJVO!!!

By the way, i'm thinking of doing my final internship in Adelaide, in a little more than a year!!!!!!!

Byeeeeeeeeeee, Aitri

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