Swedish Girls

The great thing about having visitors from overseas is that we get to be tourist ourselves. Thanks to the sisters Susan and Annika from Sweden we have been touring around, finding more and more new places close to home that we hardly knew existed. South Australia is a big place, and there is plenty to explore. And on top of that they provided us with an excuse to go on a long weekend to Sydney. Although Jan had been there many times for work, this was the first time that we actually got to see the city. And let us assure you this: it is just awesome. The Sydney Harbor is one of the most spectacular views you will ever see, with the world famous Harbour Bridge and Opera House. See for yourselves on our pictures.

Another advantage of having Swedish girls around is of course that they could take good care of us. Mikaela’s pregnancy is into the sixth month now. She’s going great, but things are getting gradually heavier. And since after his operation Jan hasn’t been of much use, the girls couldn’t have picked a better time. Their presence has done miracles on Jan’s shoulder. The recovery is going really well, so it shouldn’t be a problem waving them a big goodbye with both arms later this week.

Dear Susan and Annika, it’s been absolutely fantastic having you here with us. We can’t wait until your next visit. Meanwhile our next visitors are already lining up for Christmas!


Anonymous said…
Ohh so fun it was to get to visit you two! :) Miss you both allready!

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