Sinterklaas in Aussie

It was a long way from home, but Sinterklaas made it to Australia this year. As all Dutch kids know St Nicolas celebrates his birthday on the 5th of December with lots of candy and presents. If you ever wondered what he was doing the day after, now you know: he’s visiting the Dutch kids overseas. The local Adelaide kids gathered in Kensington park to welcome the good old man before he returns home to Spain. Funny enough this time he arrived by bike, rather than by boat. As always it was a great celebration for all parents and kids (see pictures and video), and Sinterklaas promised that he would definitely return next year.

Such a shame that Jan missed it all. He arrived just after Sinterklaas had left ;-)


Anonymous said…
Leuke film!
Volgens mij was het de echte Sint. Hulpsinterklazen haal je dr zo tussenuit.
Anonymous said…
Dank je wel! Super leuk! Het thuisfront (in NL) vind het hilarisch
Anonymous said…
Leuk Jan! Lekker warm zeker zo'n baard?
Anonymous said…
Hoe komt ie daar, toch. Wel een wereldreiziger.

Waar is de hoofdpiet en de wegwijspiet?
Anonymous said…
Sint had wel even zijn wanten uitgdaan zag ik.
Groetjes your sister

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