Counting Down

Yes, we are getting ready for the big day. In week 37 now: less than four weeks to go until estimated due date. Funny enough it's calculated on Friday the 13th. We take that as a lucky sign!!! The baby seems to be doing fine. It’s kicking and turning nicely in mummy’s belly, and is already responding to daddy playing guitar. Mummy is doing fine too, looking healthy and staying calm, despite the sometimes scorching heat. She’s simply designed for this kind of climate, as we concluded long ago.

We’re attending weekly parenting classes in the hospital. Highlight so far was practicing change of diapers on a baby doll. Just to make it a bit more realistic they added some Vegemite on baby’s bum. Surely we will not eat that again in a long time ;-) The nursery room is also ready now, and so are the bassinette, the cot, the playpen and all the other gear that one seems to need in expectance of a newborn.

All that’s left to do now is just wait. Are you counting down with us?


Anonymous said…
I´m counting down with you!! :)
So happy for you!
Many Hugs
Anonymous said…
Here's another one counting. You look great!!! Big hug

Anonymous said…
he schatjes, 13 maart is een geweldige datum.. rico is ook op vrijdag de 13 maart geboren en sterker nog op vrijdag 13 maart is hij ook 13 geworden dus......

we tellen mee....

Liefs Ricoe en Paulus
Anonymous said…
Mikaela, je ziet er echt als een stralende zwangere vrouw uit !! Mooi buikje hoor ! geniet nog lekker van jullie laatste dagen saampjes

x Bianca
Anonymous said…
Hallo kanjers,

Jaja.. ik weet het: ik ben nooit zo snel met reageren op de blog maar wel even gemeend!
Geniet van deze tijd en de mooie tijd die gaat komen met de kleine!!

veel liefs
x as
Anonymous said…
Woow 9 days left!! I want to se more photos.;)

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