
There she is!!! Our little baby girl finally arrived this morning, after a long but rewarding labor.

It started very sudden. Yesterday morning around 4am Mikaela woke up with back-pain. An hour later she already had regular contractions every 5 minutes and by 6am it was down to three minutes. Our midwife Megan rushed by, and took us straight into the hospital. By 11am we had 3cm dilation and Mikaela started to get tired. We decided for an epidural, to ease the pain. Then things slowed down: by 3pm we had 4 cm dilation, and at 7pm we still had only 4 cm. How frustrating?!? It took until way after midnight before cervix was completely open and the baby was in a position to push. Mikaela gave it all, and then finally at 3.49am, helped by the force of a forceps, she saw the light. What a relief to find a healthy girl, after almost 24 hours of labor. Weight is 3.7 kg and length 51 cm. And such a beauty, although the poor thing still has quite a few bruises on her face due to the forceps.

Our little girl is called Nora. We like to pronounce it the Swedish way (Noora or Noera). Her full name is Nora Ruth Wytske Bijlsma, after her Swedish ‘mors farmor’ and her Frisian ‘beppe’. We hear you thinking: “that’s a lot of strange names for an Aussie girl?”, but she has to know where she’s coming from, right?

Mum and bubs are doing great. They are staying in the Woman’s and Children’s hospital for a couple of days to recover, and to make sure we get the breastfeeding going. All is looking good so far. Once we’re home and all organized we promise to post more pictures …

In the meantime: do you have any theories on who she might look like?


Lela said…
HOORAY, daar is ze dan!!!! Lieve Mikaela en Jan, gefeliciteerd met jullie Nora. Beauty mate! Wat een prachtige dochter hebben jullie zeg, ondanks de blauwe plekken is ze een plaatje. Jullie prinses is really the fruit of labour, na een bevalling van 24 uur! Nu lekker bijkomen en genieten met zijn drietjes.

Liefs, Daniela, Ruud, Zoe en Dante
Anonymous said…
Hi newly Mom & Dad!
What a beautiful baby girl! Looking at the firs picture of Nora, I believe she is the perfect combination of both of you! Time will tell! I hope the bruises don't last too long!

I'm looking forward to more pictures of our new IJVO- girl to be ;-)

Byee Aitri
Anonymous said…
How great to see Nora. I think she has Jan's head and Mikeala's lips. For the rest we really can't tell yet. Hope you can go home soon!

Big hug from us

Jeroen & Denyse
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to the both of you! So happy for you and such a beautiful girl. The name fits her perfectly! many hugs an xxx
Anonymous said…
he schatjes,

wat is ze mooi en de namen ik had niets anders verwacht dat het een zweedse/friese combi zou worden. Fijn dat het zo goed gaat met jullie , geniet van elkaar en we wachten met smart op meer foto's..

Dikke kus van Rico en Paulus
Anonymous said…
Hallo fresh mum and dad!

wat een prachtige meid!
geniet van de kleine dat ze maar net zo'n mooi hart als jullie krijgt..

veel liefs
as en pat
Anonymous said…
Vanuit Nederland de felicitaties met de geboorte van de dochter, geniet er van!!

Patrick & Annette (BB)
Anonymous said…
Hi Jan en Mikaela,

Gefeliciteerd! Wat een mooie meid zeg!!

Groetjes Maurits (ex-BB)
Anonymous said…
grattis till dottern...

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