The first heat-wave of the season is a fact: more than a week long temperatures of +35°C. It’s the earliest heat-wave in 100 years; way too early for Jan and Nora. They are puffing, sweating and hoping for cooler days. Mikaela and her dad are coping like a true Jaselius: they seem to enjoy it.
Grandpa Alf (Morfar in Swedish) has been a busy bee in the past few weeks. Apart from the typical duties of being grandpa (changing diapers, feeding and entertaining Nora), he fixed about everything in and around the house that needed fixing (e.g. garden, trees, furniture, airco). He’s already looking forward to us buying a house, so he can put his teeth in a more serious renovation project. One of his best ideas so far was a small mini fan for Nora in the car seat. So no more overheated trips for our little girl. Brilliant !
This weekend we went for a trip to Port Fairy to meet Joy and John, friends of Alf from his many sailing trips. They used to own a dairy farm, so we got a tour around country side Victoria, where life is still going in a calmer pace, and people don’t bother to wait for cows crossing the road. It’s a bit greener and cooler than here in SA, so easy to see why Jan and Nora liked it so much. Thanks for the hospitality guys!
PS. Jan picked the winning horse at this year’s
Melbourne cup, just for its name: ‘Shocking’
Vilket härligt klimat ni lever i! Sol & värme.... Här är den +5 och regn, så jag är inte alls avundsjuk....=)
Måste vara skönt att morfar är där och lastar av er lite. Passa på att njuta!
Ser fram emot att snart få träffa er. Sköt om er!
Kram Anna
Det var ju tur att det blev lite värme så att Affen slipper frysa :)
Kunde väl tro att han fixar allt som fixas kan där det behövs. Om det inte finns något att göra så kryper det väl i benen och händerna. Fläkten i vagnen (eller var det i bilsätet?) var ju en riktigt bra idé. Vilken morfar!!
Kram på er alla från ett totalt genomgrått Borås med lätt duggregn idag.