Happy Holidays

Summer is here and Adelaide is struck by insane PANDA-mania: two Giant Panda’s have just settled into the nearby Adelaide Zoo. Thousands of visitors are expected every day, so there goes the peace in our little neighbourhood. High time to go on a holiday …

Dear people, we are taking our summer break. It’s been one special year, with the arrival of our little girl. We wish you a wonderful Christmas and a very good New Year.

Take care!


Anonymous said…
Hello dear friends!!

I hope your are well in Holland now and that you had a good time here in Sweden. It was SO NICE to see you all here in Sandhult.
We have more snow now and it's VERY cold :(
I wish you all the best and Happy landing when going back to Aussieland.
Hugs from all of us here.
Kim, Johan & John

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