Orange Socceroos

The World Cup soccer is on in full swing, which means many late nights or early mornings for us. With two teams to support it is vital to wear the right gear at the right time. Yesterday night we had to rapidly change after Holland’s Orange squad took on the Japanese, just to be in time to cheer on the Aussie Socceroos in their match against Ghana. Important to get your colours right!

But South Africa is not the only place where the action is right now. Look at our little girl ... only walking since a couple of weeks and already totally into the ball game. See this video.


Anonymous said…
Yeah we zij door!!!! wij hebben gisteren geBBQd en toen met zijn allen tv gekeken.....

niet mooi maar we hebben 3 punten...
liefs Paulus
Anonymous said…
Hup hup Holland!!

John and I was in Amsterdam when they played against Denmark.It was crazy :) The whole town was orange!

Now we have celebrated Midsummer. The weather has been perfect and it's hard to believe we had so mouch snow 6 months ago :)

All the best to you all!!

Love Kim
Anonymous said…
Wat een feest hier in Nederland, we zitten in de finale !! het is hier rustig....2/3 heeft een kater hahahah. Ik zal even leuke foto van ons mailen xxx Bianca

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