Finally Spring

Spring has finally arrived. After the coldest, wettest and longest winter in decades, South Australia is finally enjoying the good life again. What a joy. The upside of all that rain is that Adelaide Hills are looking beautiful, green and lush. This also goes for our garden through, so lots of work to be done.
But hey: who cares? The bees are zooming and the birds are singing and we’re practically living outside in the backyard all day. Nora loves to be in the garden and play on her slide, or chasing the lizards. She likes it so much that she keeps on moving all her toys outdoors. Mum does her runs every morning in the sun and in the weekend Dad goes out on his bike through the vineyards, the bush and the green hills. It’s sooo relaxed here on this side of Mt. Lofty.
And you know what the best part is? This is just the start of the summer. Not until end of April do we have to worry about moving the outdoor furniture.  Yep, life is tough Down Under ;-)

By the way: have you seen Nora and Daddy doing a spring dance?


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