Mothers Day

Mothers Day today, so time to spoil Mummy. Nora and Dad went up early to make some nice crafts for Mum. Inspired by the colours of the rainbow which appeared over our house this morning, Nora made some very colourful drawings. After a special breakfast with chocolate and a card we went to see the wildlife at Cleland, just 10 minutes away at Mount Lofty. While Nora and Daddy were feeding the kangaroos and wombats, Mummy strolled along calmly in the sun. Almost halfway the pregnancy by now, so things are starting to get a bit slower and heavier. What keeps her going is probably the expectation that next year she’ll get twice as much chocolate for Mothers Day ...


Anonymous said…

Looking at the picture it seems you live at the end of the rainbow :) And we all know what that means.. maybe not a pot of gold but you have a golden family together all of you. I can see Nora is growing and growing :) She looks really tall now. Mikaela - you look beautiful in yr pregnancy :)
It looks the autumn are close now. In Sweden we have had some very nice weeks with sunny and warm weather.
Hugs to you all!!!
//Kim and family

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