Night frost

While Cadel Evans wrapped up the Tour de France in sunny Paris (Go Aussie!), his fellow countrymen Down Under are coping with some really cold winter weather. This week we had the coldest night in the last 5 years, with a record low of -2°C in the Hills. Yes ladies and gentlemen, there is such a thing as night-frost down here, or at least in the Adelaide Hills. Quite an unusual experience though!

So what does one do on cold winter days? Well, if you’re not breeding babies (10 more weeks!), you can ride the ride, slide the slide, or follow the new national hero Cadel and bike the bike! Do you reckon Nora will ride the Tour one day?!?


Anonymous said…
WOW!! That is really cold! ;)
Well we don't have so much warmer here this summer...
Good to here you entertain your self during these cold, dark winter days :)


Denyse said…
Nora goes fast ;-) very cool slide. I bet Jenna would like to play along
Anonymous said…
vackra Mikaela !!!! :) meen.. så stor o söt er Nora ääär! woho.. hihi.. ja, tiden rinner verkligen iväg snabbt, eller hur?? Ha det såå bra! sköt om er! Kraam Hanna

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