So many Santa's

Santa comes in many forms and shapes here in Aussie. There was one in Childcare, making his entrance in a fire truck with sirens and all. Then there was one called Tomten at the annual Swedish Christmas & Lucia event. And then there was this odd one that sounded a lot like daddy at the Dutchies celebration, called Sinterklaas. And we’re still expecting one on Xmas eve that might sound like Morfar!

One thing they all have in common: presents! They are coming in by the lot, and our girls are loving it. Another common thing is that no matter how many kids around, Nora is always the first one to walk up to Santa to check out the deal. ‘What’s up Santa?!?’


Anonymous said…

Children must grow faster in Aussie land...What a big girl Ella has become :) And what a big smile!! She looks like a happy girl.

I wish you all the best Christmas ever and off course a tremendously good 2012!!

Hugs from all of us in Sandhult!!

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