5 Years in Oz

Remember the picture below? That was 5 years ago, when we first arrived in Australia. No house, no car, no  job, no nothing. Just following our dream for a new life in Australia. See here to refresh your memory…

And look at us now, at the same spot as where we started our journey 5 years ago. Apart from them changing the bench (!) can you spot the difference?!?  A house, two cars, jobs, a rich network of friends and contacts, citizenship, and most importantly two daughters (one with a funny Aussie accent!). 

The journey has been great and we are happy and proud of where we are today. And although we still can't stand Vegemite (except for the girl with the funny Aussie accent) we can safely say that Australia is our home now. 


Anonymous said…
so proud of you! Big hug from us

D&J&D&J :-)
Anonymous said…
jeetje 5 jaar alweer en twee mooie meiden erbij. Een echt gezinnetje.
heel mooi plaatje en hou het goede gevoel vast. xx bianca

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