We had a great long Easter weekend with gorgeous weather and lots of simple family fun. And guess what: our youngest bunny did her first bike ride without training wheels !!!
Finally, after such a long wait, there she is: another little girl. And what a surprise she has for us: dark hair and dark eyes! The longer we look at her, the less sure we are of the exact colour of her eyes. Is it brown, dark blue or even dark green? Her birth was in many ways similar to Nora’s one. This time it took 12 hours (who says the second one is easier?!?) The baby was almost two weeks late and had to be induced. We did so early in the morning in the small countryside hospital of Mt Barker. After a couple of hours the contractions really took off, and Mikaela got her epidural. Then things slowed down again, and it was not until nightfall when showtime started. A couple of tough and stressful hours followed of hard labour and a stubborn baby that just would not come down. Assisted by some of the best midwifes in the business, Mikaela pushed herself beyond all limits. She was the hero of the day. She finished it almost completely on her own, but jus...
Big day today: mummy celebrated her first Mothers day. Time to spoil her with lots of hugs and kisses. Nora bought mum a present: a nice color for her hair. She will look even more beautiful now. And daddy had a little surprise as well. He lured the family to the Botanic gardens, where Femke and Casper were waiting to do a photo shoot. Mum hates to pose, but this way she had no choice (haha). So soon we’ll have some really professional family pictures. Meanwhile you’ll have to settle with our amateur pictures: follow this link for a slide show of the last four weeks. Can you see how Nora changed? She’s becoming a tall girl, just like her daddy. Coming from 51cm and 3.7kg at birth, after seven weeks she’s already 59cm and 4.7kg. Feedings are going a lot better since we started to bottle feed expressed mother milk. And sleeping goes better and better as well. A couple of days ago for the first time she slept through the night from 12 to 6. That’s very promising, although not every nigh...
You know what we did today? We went to the consulate to get me a nationality. Now I am a citizen of a far away country that is famous for Knackebröd IKEA Midsummer parties ABBA Lucia Pippi Longstocking Daim chocolate Meatballs Pirate Bay Små Grodorna and crazy blond girls. Any idea where that might be?!?