House and Car

Our integration goes step by step, but we are getting somewhere: we got ourselves a house and a car! As from next week we’ll be living in North Adelaide. After quite an intense search around many area’s we found an atmospheric two-bedroom townhouse, on a great location. Just outside the popular Melbourne St (restaurants and bars) and only a 20 min walk through the park to downtown Adelaide. It’s the hip place to be around here. The previous tenant is a girl around our age, with whom we get along with really well. She and her boyfriend have offered us to use their spare furniture and equipment, to bridge the time until our container arrives. Thanks Lani and Jay, for this heartwarming Australian hospitality!

Another integration challenge was the purchase of a car. Drive out in any direction, and you’ll find tons of used-car dealers everywhere. However, most of them have this typical 6 cylinder 3.8L motor that most Aussies seem to love. Why all this horsepower? Do they still think that petrol is almost for free? We proved ourselves being rather European, by settling for a silver colored Toyota Camry 2.4L sports model. Really cool, and in one aspect particularly un-Australian: it’s a manual, not an automatic! Well, you can’t turn into an Aussie instantly, can you?!?


Anonymous said…
I'm so happy for you but how about the guestroom????? hihihihi
please send your adres so we can send some things if we want to.....;-)
Anonymous said…
Hoi Jan & Mikaela,

het ziet er steeds beter uit!
Heel veel geluk en succes, en... wij horen hier graag nog eens van jullie.

Maar nu eerst verder met job hunting, regelen, regelen en vooral: genieten!

Enjoy, have a nice day, Jolanda
Anonymous said…
Terrific for you!
Everything step by step but you're coming there.. great!!!


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