So what about a job ?!?

Thanks for the congratulations on our new home. It’s nice to hear that many of you are following this weblog. Today we moved in at last, and it feels great. It’s a classic house, built in the 1920’s, with high ceilings and stone walls, so it should stay nice and cool in the summer. The atmosphere reminds us a little of our previous house. And the best thing: after almost three months we can finally unpack our backpacks, and try to live a ‘normal’ life again. Although ‘normal’? We are sitting in our living room now, in front of a borrowed TV, sharing a single beanbag, which is the only piece of furniture in the house. Life is so simple this way. What more do you need?!?

A job?!? Ok, ok, since many of you have been asking about it (wonder why? was it that distressing to read that we were still taking it easy, doing nothing?), we have some comforting news for you: from next week you are not the only one who is working. Today Jan signed a contract to join the Adelaide team of Eclipse Computing, the largest Microsoft Dynamics reseller in Australia. A steady growing IT company with sites all across the continent, including New Zealand and the Fiji islands. And it might sound totally crazy to you, but he is actually looking forward to it. Back into the stressful IT business again. Can you believe that, after three months of holidays?!?


Anonymous said…
he dat is geweldig nieuws weer een punt van de to do lijst..... nu maar wachten op jullie eigen spulletjes heerlijk voor jullie ook weer onder de werkende mens!!!

Dikke Kus XXX
Femmie said…
Dag lieverds!

Wat een ontzettend gaaf huis. Zijn de verhuisdozen al aangekomen? Wij wensen jullie heel veel liefde en geluk in het nieuwe huis. En Jan, welkom terug onder de werkenden (alsof jullie de laatste maand niet genoeg geregeld hebben) haha. Tot weblogs!
Mike en Fem
Anonymous said…
Heeey!!! Great to hear your stories. Paul and I were actually looking for tickets to come visit you guys!! :-) But, it's quite expensive! Congratulations on yr new job!

We will email you guys soon..

Aitri & Paul
Anonymous said…
Hey! Gefeliciteerd met het huis, auto en baan! Leuk om te lezen hoe het met jullie gaat en dat jullie het naar je zin hebben.

Grtz, Sybren
Anonymous said…

Ben net terug van 10 dagen uit Thailand.
Was erg vermoeiend en heb er slecht gegeten, haha.
Is wel erg koud in Nederland hoor!
Hoop dat alles goed gaat daar.

Niek, Shannah en Beau

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