My birthday

I thought I'd take the opportunity to write a little bit about my birthday, which was a really good one. First I would like to say thanks for all the sms’s, cards, emails, presents, greetings on our weblog and flowers that I have received. It made a girl very happy to get all that attention! Felt really great! Thanks to all of you!
We celebrated my birthday on the Saturday already with our friends Jessica and David. Had a very nice dinner and then ending up in a bar to take a few drinks. We have figured out that you really need to know where the places are here in Adelaide, to get some action. In a small street there can be loads of bars but you can’t see them by just driving by. We are happy that they show us around, to get to know the city a little bit more. The whole night was really great!
On my actual birthday, we bought tickets to a concert with Linkin Park. It is a small stadium here so you felt really close and it's not far from where we live so everything went smooth. Little bit of a difference from Holland I must say. No traffic jams or waiting anywhere. Fantastic! But the show was even more fantastic. There we were in Adelaide entertainment centre, head banging with the Aussies!!! It was a fantastic show! I can say that my throat felt a little bit so so after that. But sooo worth it!!!!
My birthday was really great, but the best was yet to come. That was to get up early next morning to unpack our things that we have been waiting for so long. We were very excited about that and were looking forward to that moment! It felt like my birthday just continued, with unpacking a lot of presents ;-)

Oh not to forget, I got my first “eski” from Jessica and David as an integration present. Well, back home we call it a cooler box. This is something you just have to have when you go to people for a BBQ. When it is hot outside and you want to bring drinks, then you really need one. So now that I have one, we are totally ready for some barbecuing!


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