Arrived at last

Yes, the circle is complete: our container has arrived at last. And guess what? Everything was intact. Almost too good to be true. Even the electrical fly swats made it through customs !
You can’t believe the joy of sleeping in your own bed, having access to your own clothes, and playing your own music again. And the piano sounds just as good as before. We sold and dumped most of our stuff in Holland (we only shipped 11m3), but still when we were unpacking quite some stuff seemed pretty useless. The boxes with ‘warm clothes’ for instance went straight to the attic. It makes you realize how little you actually need, and how much junk collect over the years. Having said that however, we did go and buy ourselves two bikes and some garden furniture this weekend, since it was going to be 30-35˚C.

So dear friends: we are up & running, and ready for the summer !!!


Anonymous said…
he luitjes, oeps Mikaela haar verjaardag vergeten...1000 x sorry !het is gewoon gek om te lezen dat jullie je daar na zo'n korte periode al helemaal eenplekkie gevonden hebben, super huisje, nwe vrienden en stees leuke verhalen op site. we zijn in hier in holland gewoon een beetje jaloers op jullie ! maar het is super om te horen dat the big stap is gelukt !!!en een ECHTE zomer in aussie land. ga zo door toppers xxx dikke kus bianca en sam
Anonymous said…
slechts 11 m3... meestal lees ik verhalen over containers van 20m3 die te klein zijn... well done!
Geniet verder in Australië, en "please keep me in the loop!".

Groetjes, Jolanda
Anonymous said…
Jag vill bara säga grattis på födelsedan (liiiite sent bara), och lycka till! Hoppas allt går bra down under!

Mvh Daniel

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