Bye bye Summer

Summer is officially over: last week our sweet honeymoon with Australia was rudely interrupted by something we had not experienced in a long time: rain. For a couple of days we had stormy weather, and even some hail. For a moment it felt like back in Europe: getting up early and whinging about the cold (although it was still 20°C). But then we noticed an important difference: rather than being grumpy, the locals were actually very happy. Finally fresh air, and some relief for the poor dry countryside. Indeed the rain was desperately needed, as our photo impression “Around Adelaide” proves. So funny enough South Australia is hoping for a wet winter…

The summer has been great though, with almost six months of sun, beach, BBQ’s and loads and loads of festivals around the city. Especially in Feb and March it was just impossible to keep up with everything going on. You need at least a couple of summers to be able to attend all activities. Click here for some photos of our first Summer in Adelaide.

And now we are getting ready for the autumn. Perhaps this will mark the start of a ‘normal’ life with a little bit less excitement and more day to day routines. How will we cope with that?!?


Anonymous said…
Hello aussies...

Oftewel hallo lieve schatten!

We spreken elkaar veels te weinig maar denk nog veel aan jullie!
Hier is alles goed. De zomer komt er nog niet aan hoor.. vandaag wel een mooie dag maar alweer regen voorspelt voor t weekend! Waar gaat dat mooie weer toch heen? in ieder geval niet naar ons landje..;-)

veel liefs

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