Locked out

(Jan's phone conversation with RAA Road Watch late this afternoon….)
"So let me try to recap this: you want us to break into your car, but the car key is not in your car?!?"
    "Eh, yes"
"Where is your car now?"
    "At home"
 "So why do you need us then?"
    "What do you mean?"
"If you are home already, you don't need the car to get home, right?
    "Well yes, but the thing is that my car key is in the house. You see?"
"No, I don't see"
   "And we left the home key in the car"
 "So why don't you grab the car key, open the car and get the home key?"
    "Because I can't get into house either!"
"Hang on: so you locked yourself out of your car and out of your house at the same time?!?"
   "Something like that yes"
"How the %$#%@ did you do that?"
   "Don't even ask."
"And now you want us to break into your car, so you can get the home key to get into your home, after which you can grab your car key to get into your car again!"
   "You got it"
"Alright, we'll send someone. We will call your mobile when we arrive, OK?
   "Eh … no"
"What do you mean No?"
   "My mobile is also locked in the house. Or the car. Don't know really…."
(1 hour and $ 155 later we were rescued by the RAA) 


Anonymous said…

We waren nog op zoek naar een nieuwe rode draad voor de IJVO.

Bij deze!

Anonymous said…
It's been so long since i've left you guys a message!
Since i'm living in Germany, i've only been busy with my own Blog.
Great telephone call:)

So how are you guys doing?
I'm doin great here in Berlin! I'll be going home for 1.5 week! For school but also to be there at Q-day! Hehe, need to feel the dutch culture again a.k.a. drink a whole lot of beer and party all night and day long.. hehehe

Kisses, Ait

PS: I am still coming to visit you guys!
Anonymous said…
Wahahahahaaaa - that's classic!
En wat goed dat je dat ook wereldkundig maakt...

Enne, laat me raden: die $155 kon je pas betalen nadat de auto open gemaakt was, want die lag in het dashboardkastje? :)

MarK (hint...)
Really, really funny story, but uuhhmmmm ...... I will have to agree with the operator: how the %$#%@ did you manage to do that?!

Anonymous said…
Whahahhaah na een half uurtje lachen hierbij mijn commentaar.....

I'm blond what's your excuse!!!!

whhahahahaha wat een goeie... net iets voor banabasplit of zo iets...

Echt iets voor jullie whahahahahaha

veel liefs wijsheid en geduld van de andere kant van de wereld.


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