Arriving Home
After a couple of days in the hospital it was time to go home. Both Mikaela and Nora have done absolutely great. Nora is feeding well, and we are slowly getting used to eachother. The care in the Woman's and Childrens hospital has been fantastic. But now we're on our own. Let's see how we will do as new parents ;-)
We collected some photo's of Nora's birth and arrival home in this slide show. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do...
big hug,
Isn't she wonderfull
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love
I think this must be your song from now on..
Lot of love and luck Nora with your new parents;-)
XXX Paulus
I can't wait to meet the little beauty!
Good luck newly Mom & Dad!
Love Aitri
Patrick & Annette (BB)
Veel geluk en gezondheid voor jullie 3en...
as en pat
That is truly a beautiful baby girl! It does ache a bit in my heart that I can´t meet her in real life (yet). You look really comfortable with her and I am certain you will be excellent parents!
Give Nora a hug and lots of kisses from me and once again congratulations! You make a gorgeous family!