Happy Birthday Mikaela

It was Mums birthday yesterday. Hip hip hurray! Happy Birthday Mikaela! There were presents, balloons, and we had a very nice BBQ party today with Swedish, Dutch and Aussie friends. But most important, we had a very special guest: Morfar (that’s grandpa in Swedish). He came all the way from Malaysia, where his boat is anchored, to visit our little family. Nora loves it: she has the time of her life. Never before has she been spoiled with this much attention. And the best thing is: he’s gonna stay for almost six weeks. What a fun!!!


Anonymous said…
Hej! Så underbart att se bilderna på er! Kul att Affen äntligen är hos er. Jagföljer ert liv regelbundet och det är så kul att bilderna på Nora.

Kram Kim

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