Child Care

Another big step in the life of little Nora: she’s going to Child Care. Since Mum will start working again in the handbag shop this week, Nora is playing with her new friends at Child Care for two days a week.

We first tried for a couple of afternoons, and last week she completed her first full days. Nora did really well. She's been eating well, she slept a couple of hours every day, and most of the time she is playing already in the toddler room, with the older kids. 
We’ve been waiting for a while before we got a spot, but we are very happy with this one. The staff is really caring, flexible, and there is a happy atmosphere that affects everyone around. And they were well aware that leaving behind your child for the first time is often much harder for the parents than for the baby. Yes, there were some goodbye tears, but not for Nora. She just jumped into the action straight away.

Funny enough she only cries when we pick her up again at night!?! The minute she sees us, it’s like she realizes that we haven’t been there all this time. At least that’s what we keep telling ourselves ;-)


Anonymous said…
Åååhhh! Förstår att det var en hemsk upplevelse (inte för Nora då alltså . :) )
Ser att solen lyser härligt på bilden. Här är det fortfarande snöoväder och full vinter. Det ska ju vara 7 bakslag innan det blir vår på riktigt säger "di gamle". Så nu är det 6 kvar..
Bakslag blir det kanske även i lämnandet av Nora på dagiset. MEN misströsta inte - tårarna slutar två minuter efter att man gått därifrån. Mammas tårar kan däremot vara lite längre.. :)
Många kramar och Lycka till!!

Anonymous said…
hi there down under!

It's good to read that the family is doing so well (despite of the child care tears of both ;-) )

as en pat

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