Happy Birthday Daddy

Daddy is celbrating his first birthday as a daddy. For this special occasion Mummy made a real nice birthday cake. In fact she made it twice: the first one without flower, and the second one with flower! Guess which one was best ?!? We went to the beach, our favorite place in summer. I was soo cool with my sunglasses! Later tonight Dad will be out in town with his mates. I bet he's trying to be just as cool as me ......

Happy Birthday Daddy !!!


Anonymous said…
Happy birthday Jan!!

Nice to see the sun on your pictures :) Here it's snowing an snowing and snowing.... Still a lot of winter.

Hugs to you all

Susan said…
Happy birthday Jan!!!
Anonymous said…
We are sorry we forgot your birthday. It's a bit hectic here the last week ;-). We hope you had a great day and are spoiled by your girls.

Jeroen, Denyse and Jenna

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