
Showing posts from November, 2011


It’s a madhouse here at the moment, everything happening at once. After the arrival of Ella also our fifth family member has arrived: Morfar (Swedish grandpa)! Everyone excited of course. For his third stay in three years he came with a mission: apart from his grandpa duties he will be turning the carport into a fourth bedroom. It’s a huge reconstruction project but if anyone can do it, Morfar can! In his first two weeks he not only took down the complete wall stone by stone (you can imagine the noise and the dust), but he also fixed a dozen things around the house and very important: put up a swing-set for the kids. Yes, Morfar is on fire! Besides this Ella got her Swedish citizenship at the consulate (grattis!), Nora went to her first real Christmas pageant in Stirling, and we’re preparing for the festive season (Sinterklaas and Xmas) with a range of guests we’ll be welcoming in the next month. And then of course little Ella is keeping us busy. It seems as if Mum finally ...

First Smile

She’s quick to catch up, our little Ella. Already figured out that you can get a lot more done if you give your parents a smile! One month young, and the first smile has already been caught on camera! By the way: Ella must think she landed in a crazy family. Why? See here .


Did we say ‘easy’? Really? Oh dear, we must have jinxed it. Not a day after our last post little Ella decided to teach us a lesson. She gave us two weeks with long hours of keeping her parents up and trying anything to calm her down. Like her sister when she was a baby, rather than falling asleep Ella prefers to let us know loud and clearly how tired and upset she is. “Am I making my point?!?” We now believe that the girls already made a pact. Nora will do anything to keep Ella awake, and Ella on her turn will pass on the favour to us. Yoho, isn’t it great to have kids?!?  ;-)