
Did we say ‘easy’? Really? Oh dear, we must have jinxed it. Not a day after our last post little Ella decided to teach us a lesson. She gave us two weeks with long hours of keeping her parents up and trying anything to calm her down. Like her sister when she was a baby, rather than falling asleep Ella prefers to let us know loud and clearly how tired and upset she is. “Am I making my point?!?”
We now believe that the girls already made a pact. Nora will do anything to keep Ella awake, and Ella on her turn will pass on the favour to us. Yoho, isn’t it great to have kids?!?  ;-)


Jessica said…
Die linksboven is geniaal. Je zou haast denken dat ik wat rijnboutt-genen rond heb laten slingeren bij jullie ;-)))
Sorry Jes, we hebben toch maar voor een ander plaatje gekozen :-)
Jessica said…
Haha, was ie toch te erg ;-).

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