
It’s a madhouse here at the moment, everything happening at once. After the arrival of Ella also our fifth family member has arrived: Morfar (Swedish grandpa)! Everyone excited of course. For his third stay in three years he came with a mission: apart from his grandpa duties he will be turning the carport into a fourth bedroom. It’s a huge reconstruction project but if anyone can do it, Morfar can! In his first two weeks he not only took down the complete wall stone by stone (you can imagine the noise and the dust), but he also fixed a dozen things around the house and very important: put up a swing-set for the kids. Yes, Morfar is on fire!

Besides this Ella got her Swedish citizenship at the consulate (grattis!), Nora went to her first real Christmas pageant in Stirling, and we’re preparing for the festive season (Sinterklaas and Xmas) with a range of guests we’ll be welcoming in the next month. And then of course little Ella is keeping us busy. It seems as if Mum finally found a routine that fits her well. Ella is generally a happy baby, and already starting to interact with her family members in this loud and noisy madhouse. Good on her!

PS. Is this video mad enough for you?


Anonymous said…

Good to see you all incl. Morfar :)
Affen - you look healthy and strong. Thats good!
Mikaela - you get more beatutiful for each child ;)

Nice to see your good weather - here we have storm, rain and no snow at all...

Wish you all the best 1:st Advent!!

från oss alla i Sandhult!!
Jessica said…
How proud Morfar must be of all his beautiful girls :-) :-)

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