
Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas cubby

The picture says it all: what a Christmas gift Santa brought this year: a mega sized Cubby House for the girls to play in. It easily fits the whole family (even daddy can stand up straight) and still there’s space for two kitchens, a table and chairs and a true shopfront with cash register. And what about the front porch with flowers and its own mail box?!?  Fantastic! The driving force behind this best Christmas present ever is of course the one and only Morfar, who is back from his sailing trips. His work was already the envy of the neighbourhood, and with this latest master piece his reputation is once again confirmed: best Morfar ever! So for us no need to go anywhere these holidays: all the fun is right here in the backyard. Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas Parties

It’s Christmas party season. Every club, school, company and network has their annual event crammed into the busy few weeks before Christmas. Today there were two parties.  First one with Childcare (or pre-school) at the Mr Lofty Botanic gardens, where Nora got her first face-paint. She asked for a pink cat and she got one! Then the traditional Swedish Christmas (Lucia) with lots of cakes (fika), dancing around the tree and of course Santa. God Jul everyone!